Wall Street Dermatology

Cosmetic Consultations For Expert Dermatology Evaluations

  • Thinking about cosmetic dermatology treatments to enhance the beauty of your skin? 
  • Want to learn more about treatments for a skin issue or cosmetic procedure?
  • Booking a cosmetic consultation is the first step towards understanding your skin care goals & getting expert feedback on different treatments

Why Pay More for a Plastic Surgeon?

Exceptional cosmetic outcomes from a world-class dermatologic surgeon specializing in the skin at more reasonable rates than plastic surgeon

If you need help with scheduling or have any questions, call (212) 931-0538.

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Dr. Julia Tzu

Experience Our Signature Cosmetic Consultation by Scheduling A 30-Minute Concierge Session with Dermatologist Dr. Tzu at Her Financial District Private Practice

Learn More about Dr. Julia Tzu

All cosmetic consultations are with our cosmetic expert and double board-certified dermatologist in NYC Dr. Julia Tzu.  The cost of a 30 minute cosmetic consultation is $300.

Our philosophy is that no-fee consults offered by non-specialized providers encourage the “selling” of treatments or a procedures.

We hope you’ll book a cosmetic appointment to visit us so that we can explore which treatments might fit your skin care goals.

We Offer Treatments for a Variety of Cosmetic Skin Conditions including

Acne scarring is a common problem amongst individuals who have had severe and/or prolonged untreated acne. People with noticeable acne scarring are often self-conscious about the uneven contour of their skin, especially under certain lighting where the depressions in the skin cast fine shadows mimicking discoloration. It should be recognized that acne scarring

Angiomas, also called “cherry angiomas”, are benign (non-cancerous) growths of blood vessels that appear anywhere on the skin, and may become more numerous as we age. Angiomas are often 1-2mm in size and bright red in color.

Angiomas are usually a cosmetic concern for people who notice increasing numbers scattered throughout their skin. Fortunately, angiomas can be easily treated by a variety of methods including lasers and controlled electrical destruction. Sometimes multiple sessions may be needed to completely remove the angioma.

Many people desire remove of benign skin growths to improve the appearance of their skin. It is always important to remember that any growth should always be evaluated by your dermatologist first, prior to any procedure. Once a growth has been diagnosed as benign (non-cancerous) by your dermatologist, removal for cosmetic purposes can be considered.

There are numerous types of common benign skin growths. A short list includes but is not limited to seborrheic keratoses, skin tags, moles (nevi), angiomas, and milia. For example, African Americans and Asians often develop numerous, small, brown growths on their cheek and eye area. These growths are known as dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN), and are easily removable. Middle-aged to elderly adults often have numerous crusty brown growths on their back, stomach area, and chest. These growths are known as seborrheic keratosis and are easily removable. People with oily skin may develop tiny white bumps called milia and small yellowish bumps called sebaceous hyperplasia, which are also easily removable.

Persistent facial redness and broken blood vessels may be a source of distress for many people who want a clear, blemish-free complexion. The two problems are actually related because the facial redness is caused by numerous fine blood vessels that may not be distinguishable to the naked eye. In fair skinned individuals, redness is more visible and problematic.

Removing the redness of the face means removing all the small fine blood vessels. Fortunately, there are lasers that can effectively reduce the number of these vessels, improving the overall complexion of the skin. Removing individual broken blood vessels is also performed using a laser. Multiples sessions of the laser treatment may be required for the best results.

Skin discoloration is a common concern for people of all ages and cultures and can be a significant source of distress. Any departure from the surrounding baseline skin color results in discoloration. However, the term is often used to refer to brown discoloration and the causes for this are numerous. Common reasons include brown age spots in older adults, brown discoloration resulting after inflammation, melasma, and freckles.

Skin discoloration is a generic descriptive term and is not itself a diagnosis. Hence, skin discoloration should always be evaluated by your dermatologist for a diagnosis first. The cause of the discoloration should be diagnosed before any decision is made to treat. If the discoloration is considered a benign brown spot, cosmetic removal can be performed. If the discoloration appears suspicious, additional testing may be required. Your dermatologist can guide you through this process.

Many brown spots can be effectively lightened with lasers treatments. Multiple sessions may be needed for the best results. Because every brown spot is different in every person, you will need an individualized treatment plan.

Cosmetic mole removal involves safely removing unwanted moles on the skin while minimizing scarring near the excision.  It is an outpatient surgical procedure that is typically done by a dermatologic surgeon or plastic surgeon.

Cosmetic mole removal can be accomplished by three main methods–shave removal, surgical excision, and laser. The choice of which method to use to accomplish the best cosmetic outcome will be determined by the type of mole, the size of the mole, the color of the mole, the location of the mole, and the individual’s skin type.

Leg veins can be an unsightly condition for many people. Factors that promote leg vein development are many and include genetics, hormones, pregnancy, prolonged standing, and age. There are different types of leg veins, classified based on size. The small purple surface veins, some of which appear spider-like, are easily treatable with a procedure called sclerotherapy. During this procedure, a tiny needle is inserted into the vein and a medicine is injected to permanently seal the veins. Multiple sessions may be required for the best results. Although some slightly larger leg veins may also be treated in this fashion, not all leg veins can be treated with this procedure, so it is important to see your dermatologist to determine whether this is the right procedure for you.

Scars are problematic for many people not only because of the unsightliness of the scar itself, but because it can serve as a reminder of the surrounding events associated with the scar.

There are different types of scars, classified based on how the scar formed and scar bulkiness. Traumatic scars occur after tissue is injured from an accident. Postoperative scars occur after a surgical operation. Hypertrophic scars are moderately raised compared to the adjacent skin. Keloids are exuberantly bulky, and extend beyond the original scar line. How one’s scar evolves depends on extent of the injury or surgery, individual healing ability, and attention to wound care.

Given enough time, the appearance of many (normal) scars can improve naturally. Spontaneous improvement may take months to many years. However, some scars may not improve significantly over time and may require injections or scar revision, which involve either surgery or lasers. Recommended method of treatment depends on variety of factors that should be discussed during consultation.

Stretch marks are a common cosmetic concern amongst men and women. Stretch marks appear as reddish to whitish, thinned out lines in the skin. Early stretch marks are often reddish in color, while older stretch marks are whiter in color. Stretch marks may result from skin expansion over a short period of time. For example, stretch marks often form during puberty and pregnancy because stretching of the skin cannot keep up with the growth of the body.

Stretchmarks can be a challenging problem to treat, and there are no perfect solutions for its complete removal. Topical treatments are not proven to be effective. Currently, the best available option for reducing stetchmarks is laser treatment. Red stretchmarks are more easily treated than white stretchmarks. Multiple treatment sessions are often required for the best results.

Volume loss of the face is one of the most common cosmetic problems of aging that goes quietly unnoticed. People recognize that they appear tired and aged but do not notice the subtle facial contour changes that produces this overall undesirable effect. When volume is restored to the right areas of the face, an immediate rejuvenated appearance is noticeable.

Volume loss is not limited to the face. Other areas of the body such as the hands can also suffer from volume loss and are telltale signs of age. Restoration of volume to these areas results in the soft, smooth contour associated with youth.

Volume loss can be treated with injectable fillers containing hyaluronic acid. This procedure requires the dermatologist to have expert understanding of surgical anatomy and a three dimensional aesthetic intuition. Both are equally important to achieve a safe and cosmetically pleasing outcome.

Cosmetic Procedures Offered At Wall Street Dermatology

Once we have thoroughly evaluated your cosmetic concerns and goals, Dr. Tzu will decide on a treatment plan and schedule that fits your individual needs. Cosmetic dermatology procedures in a recommended treatment plan may include filler injections, Botox treatments, laser treatments, acne scar treatments (including acne scar subcision), mole removal, microneedling, microdermabrasion, sclerotherapy, Kybella injections, skin tag removal, scar revision, or surgery. Some of these procedures will require multiple visits.

Learn More About Cosmetic Consultations at Wall Street Dermatology

The cosmetic consultation is the first essential conversation between you and our double board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic expert Dr. Julia Tzu, to establish what you want and how this can be realistically achieved within any individually specified limitations. 

Keep in mind that medical dermatology visits, particularly those covered by medical insurance, limit the extent to which we can discuss cosmetic questions. Booking a focused, one-on-one cosmetic consultation allows Dr. Tzu to dive deeper into your skincare goals or cosmetic skin concerns

This initial appointment allows Dr. Tzu to thoroughly understand your aesthetic concerns and expectations, and discuss with you the range of available procedures that can address any cosmetic concerns in a safe and effective way. Some of the concerns most frequently discussed include aging, wrinkles, acne scars, skin discoloration, mole removal, brown spots, leg veins, scars, skin texture, facial redness, skin tags, milia, and red spots. 

Not all procedures that target the same aesthetic concerns are created equal and can vary in efficacy, risk/benefit profile, time-commitment, and cost. It is important for you to understand the range of options available, and formulate a plan together with Dr. Tzu that reflects and fulfills your individual needs and budget.

Once you and Dr. Tzu have customized your treatment plan, Dr. Tzu discusses with you in detail how the procedure is carried out, risks and benefits of the treatment, how to prepare before the procedure and after the procedure, and expectations for outcome. Some procedures may also require pre-operative testing which we will order under the appropriate circumstances.

The short answer—anyone and everyone—because looking better makes us feel better and gives us the confidence to be ourselves. The cosmetic consultation is for any individual seeking overall skin-based aesthetic improvement or simply aesthetic preventative maintenance.  Our skin is a dynamic structure constantly subject to the stresses of our environment, and requires routine upkeep to maintain its youth and radiance and reduce the appearance of damage.

  • Understand what you want. Be prepared to discuss what your aesthetic concerns are.  Be as specific as possible to allow your doctor to formulate a targeted solution.
  • Be prepared to remove your make-up or come make-up free during the appointment.  Your doctor will need to see your skin in its original state before any assessments can be made.
  • Be prepared to discuss all previous treatments, including date of treatments, you have had in the past to address this current aesthetic concern. If you do not recall details of your previous treatments, collect this information from the previous treating provider before you come to your appointment. This will help in planning out the timing of your expected procedure.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, this may limit your options for cosmetic treatments.  Please bring this to the attention of your doctor.
  • Be prepared to ask any questions you may have regarding your condition or treatment options.

After your cosmetic consultation, you should be empowered with more knowledge on what treatment options can help you and which particular procedure is most appropriate for your individual needs.  You should also have a better understanding of expectations for outcome, recovery process, and costs.  Now is the time to decide on the optimum time to schedule your procedure, taking into consideration recovery time and limitations on daily activities. Make sure you give the office ample advanced notice when scheduling the procedure so that our staff thoroughly prepare for your procedure.

You will benefit from the highest level of dermatologic expertise, surgical skill, and aesthetic acuity available.  Consultations are with our double-board certified, University of Pennsylvania fellowship-trained dermatologist Dr. Julia Tzu, a renowned expert in cosmetic, laser, and surgical dermatology.  With over a decade of cosmetic and surgical experience, Dr. Tzu also serves as a clinical assistant professor at NYU Hospital, where she teaches skin surgery to dermatology resident physicians. Dr. Tzu is known for her skilled, thoughtful, and minimally invasive approach to all of her procedures.

Taking the Next Steps on a Cosmetic Consultation with Wall Street Dermatology

If you are interested in exploring what kinds of cosmetic treatments may improve your specific skin situation, you can learn more about booking a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Tzu. We’d love to explore how we may be able to restore the natural beauty of your skin.

Book A Cosmetic Consultation

Easy, convenient, and secure online booking is available 24/7 for all patients. Choose an appointment type (New or Established Patient) and choose “Cosmetic Consultation” as the Visit Reason to see available appointment slots

If you don’t see the type of appointment or availability for the appointment you’d like, please call us at (212) 931-0538. Virtual appointments are also available for established patients through online appointments.

At Wall Street Dermatology, we recognize that your time is valuable and make every attempt to limit your wait time. We intentionally do not overbook our schedules to ensure you the best experience for your visit. However, to ensure this perfect experience for you, we need the cooperation of all patients to be on time for their scheduled appointments and to call the office at least 24 hours in advance for cancellations. We charge a $50 fee for appointments that are not cancelled 24 business hours in advance (ie. for Monday appointments, you must cancel by the preceding Friday).

Additional fees may apply if booking for specialized cosmetic procedures requiring additional resources or advance preparation. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, we cannot guarantee that appointment and may need to reschedule you if there are other patients waiting. As in any appointment-based system, when tardiness and unannounced cancellations occur, it affects the scheduling pattern and waiting experience for everyone.

Our goal is to keep your waiting times minimal and your experience enjoyable.