Wall Street Dermatology

Book An Appointment

65 Broadway, Suite 904, New York, NY 10006

Easy, convenient, and secure online booking is available 24/7 for all patients. Choose an appointment type (New or Established Patient) and Visit Reason to see available appointment slots

If you don’t see the type of appointment or availability for the appointment you’d like, please call us at (212) 931-0538. Virtual appointments are also available for established patients through online appointments.

Or if you’re an existing Zocdoc user, you can continue booking through your app or the Zocdoc website.

At Wall Street Dermatology, we recognize that your time is valuable and make every attempt to limit your wait time. We intentionally do not overbook our schedules to ensure you the best experience for your visit. However, to ensure this perfect experience for you, we need the cooperation of all patients to be on time for their scheduled appointments and to call the office at least 24 hours in advance for cancellations. We charge a $50 fee for appointments that are not cancelled 24 business hours in advance (ie. for Monday appointments, you must cancel by the preceding Friday).

Additional fees may apply if booking for specialized cosmetic procedures requiring additional resources or advance preparation. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, we cannot guarantee that appointment and may need to reschedule you if there are other patients waiting. As in any appointment-based system, when tardiness and unannounced cancellations occur, it affects the scheduling pattern and waiting experience for everyone.

Our goal is to keep your waiting times minimal and your experience enjoyable.